
What is Surfing?

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What is Surfing?

What is Surfing?

Sun, Surf, Sand, three magical words that easily transform a surfer's bored demeanor into a smile and a twinkle. It is these three words that make every surfer look forward to their next surfing trip. But what exactly is surfing?

Simply put surfing is a water sport in which the participant, called the "surfer" is carried by a breaking wave using a specially designed "surf board" into the shore. The process of surfing is simple, first the surfer lies on his/her stomach on the surfing board and puddles into the water. When the surfer sees a wave approaching he stands up on the board , glides down the breaking wave balancing the weight of his body and using this weight to steer the surfing board. This activity gets more exciting and difficult as the tide of waves become bigger.

Depending on how skillful and passionate one is, surfing can be considered as an activity or an experience. Skilled surfers are able to comfortably catch waves as high as 12 meters. What happens is that surfers first start surfing by catching a small rideable wave and then matching its speed as it enlarges and appreciates to provide a faster and more powerful ride.

Surfing is a diverse sport, in the sense that there are many different types of surfing which include the popular Bodyboarding and Bodysurfing. This variety extends to the maneuvers and techniques that are used when surfing.

Apart from surf boards, surfers have a range of other tools for their trade, these include: Kneeboards, body boards, kayaks, surf skis and surf mats. This surfing equipment vary in shape, size and designs giving the surfer, the freedom to choose equipment that best addresses his or her surfing needs. Among these surfing gears are the more common leash, surf wax and surf fins that are conspicuous in any surfing site.

As pleasant as the sport maybe, surfing also present its fair share of challenges. Among these challenges is the inherently high level of risk associated with the sport. In order to mitigate this risk, surfers are advised to acquire swimming skills before venturing into high waters. You should always make sure that your leash is attached to your ankle when surfing and that you surf in groups or pairs in order to reduce your chances of drowning.

If you are interested in surfing all you need to do is to grasp the essentials of the sport by attending a surfing school or learning from a skilled person, put your surfing gear on and proceed to indulge in the wondrous world of surfing!

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