
Taking a Surfing Trip

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Taking a Surfing Trip

Taking a Surfing Trip

If surfing is your thing, you can't let Summer pass you by without at least one surfing trip planned with your mates.

* Bring all of your surfing equipment. If you have more than one board, it might pay off to bring it. Different conditions require different boards and it can't hurt to bring an extra just in case. Also make sure you've got plenty of surfboard wax, you've got a board leash and you have all of your surfing clothes packed and ready (with spares if you have them).

* Create your own repair kit. Even if you are going to an area where they'll be plenty of surfing shops where you can get repair tools from, you want to be sure that if you change course or decide to go somewhere a little off-beat that in the case of a quick fix being needed, you're ready and it doesn't effect your trip.

* Think about going somewhere less crowded. What good is it driving for hours to a location only to get to a beach that is chock full of surfers and swimmers so you can't catch a good wave anyway? Do your research and avoid planning your surf trip during the peak season if you can help it.

* Get your friends in on the action. Surfing is fun by yourself, but with friends it's even better. Make your surfing trip into a weekend with your friends too and stay safe while surfing and even enjoy a little healthy competition.

Careful planning will ensure your surf trip is unforgettable!

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"Surfing is a special kind of madness, a feeling for the sea, a combination of love, knowledge, respect, fear- instinctive perception gained through repeated contact."

- Tom Curren

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