Snowboarding Styles - Freestyle

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  • Snowboarding Styles - Freestyle
  • The most popular board style in the industry, Freestyle is all about thrill and tricks and has an emphasis on tricks, jumps, rail slides, halfpipes and switch riding. This board style in particular lets pros show you just exactly what they're made of.

    With a focus on mainly aerial techniques like spins, grabs and flips, there are also tricks you can do on the ground, including grinding, bonking and ground spins. Freestyle riders use softer boards and boots to help decrease weight to be able to reach the air and pull tricks off more easily.

    Many of the more popular snowboarding events happen to be Freestyle competitions, with big air, quaterpipe, halfpipe and slopestyle. Plenty of ski resorts have also created terrain parks with halfpipes, handrails, funboxes and machine-formed jumps for Freestyle riders.

    However, you should be careful with which board you choose to use, with specific boards designed for specific purposes and may not perform well if used on different terrains. Some of the characteristics of a Freestyle board can include:

    " Freestyle boards are lighter, shorter and fatter, making them easier to control and manoeuvre.

    " Freestyle boards have twin tips, with the tail and tip identical in shape to one another.

    " Give riders a great thrill, but it's still important to take the necessary precautions as this can also include dangerous stances, with aerial tricks quite significant in terms of Freestyle but requiring you to concentrate on the process of falling down after performing tricks. Once you get used to them you will get more in the habit of developing and maintaining a flexible body and perform moves more easily.

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